UKICRS Competition 2019
You know how talent shows are all the rage these days? Well, UKICRS is unashamedly jumping on that well-travelled bandwagon with a super glitzy new competition for 2019 – 'UKICRS Got Talent'!
It's really simple – get your creative juices flowing by creating a short (< 3 min) video or audio piece to communicate any aspect of your research topic to your adoring fans. You can use any artistic medium you prefer (dance, song, rap, spoken-word poetry, limerick, vlog, mime, etc.). Video and audio files must using the online form right. Deadline for submission is 20th May 2019. The file upload facility is limited to files less that 20 MB. For files larger than 20 MB, please use a file sharing facility (such as DropBox or OneDrive) or contact UKICRS for details about other means of file submission. Three prize winners will be selected by the committee based on creativity and effectiveness of communication. Each prize winner will receive £100. Winners will be announced at the 2019 UKICRS Symposium in Liverpool and via email. Selected entries will be posted to the UKICRS website. The competition is open to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Aliens, Time Lords, creatures from advanced civilisations in this or a parallel universe, and all forms of artificial intelligence are not permitted to apply. The piece must be the original work of the person making the submission. |