Submit abstract for 2024 UKICRS Symposium
Please note that abstract submission and registration are separate processes. This page is ONLY for abstract submission. Registration must be completed here.
Abstracts submitted to the UKICRS Symposium can be on any aspect of pharmaceutics / drug delivery / controlled release.
If applicable, please ensure that you have the approval of your supervisor(s) and funder(s) before submitting. Abstracts submitted by the Friday 19th April 2024 deadline will be considered for the ten 15-min oral presentations. UKICRS will notify of oral and poster presentations via email by Friday 3rd May 2024. Abstracts must fit onto ONE A4 page. Do not include any figures, tables or references. You must use the template provided below, and adhere to the following formatting requirements:
Once you have completed the template, check the format carefully, and then submit via the submission tool right.
Please note that all submitted abstracts will be included on the UKICRS website. |
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UKICRS is a not-for-profit organisation and a registered UK charity (Charity number: 1109176).
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