UKICRS Essay Competition 2018
The 2018 UKICRS Essay Competition aims to promote scienti c communication and creative thinking within the general arena of pharmaceutical sciences and drug delivery. Original essays are now invited that address one of the following topics:
Entrants may approach the essay and the topic in whatever manner they see fit. Creative thinking and quality of writing are the key factors by which the essays will be judged. The winning entry, as judged by a panel comprising UKICRS committee members, will be awarded a cash prize of £250. Runner-up prizes of £150 and £100 will also be awarded. All prize-winning essays will be published on the UKICRS website and in the 2019 edition of the UKICRS newsletter. The very, very important small print ... The competition is open to any and every human being living anywhere on earth. Aliens, Time Lords, creatures from advanced civilisations in this or a parallel universe, and all forms of artificial intelligence are not permitted to apply. Essays must be submitted using the online form right. The essay can be uploaded either as a Word or PDF document. The deadline for receipt of applications for the essay prize is 1st September 2018. The essay should be no more than 2000 words. Please do not include graphs, diagrams or illustrations in your essay. By entering the competition, the entrant agrees to transfer copyright of the submitted essay to UKICRS, giving the Society the right to reproduce, distribute and broadcast the essay in printed, electronic or any other medium. UKICRS will also have the right to edit the essays as deemed appropriate for publishing. If your essay is not amongst the prize winners, all rights will revert back to the author. The article must be the original work of the person making the submision. Essays will be checked electronically for plagiarism. UKICRS reserves the right to withhold the prizes if the standard of essays submitted is not of sufficiently high quality. |